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Saturday, 16 February 2019 09:12

Analysis of a Heart Rate Measurement System on Student Motivation and Parent Satisfaction

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Michael Joseph Pascal, Todd Estel Layne*, Carol C Irwin

  • * Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a heart rate measurement system on student motivation and parent satisfaction of the information obtained. Participants (n=27) either took a survey as a parent/guardian (n=11) or were interviewed as a student (n=16). The survey was based on a qualitative measure and used to determine the parents’ view of the importance of physical activity and physical education (PE) as an academic course. Additionally, feedback that parents received from PE teachers and what feedback they would like to receive in the future was analyzed. The student interview gauged the participants’ views on motivation, including if they were motivated intrinsically or extrinsically. Questions were also asked regarding physical activity, the use of a heart rate measurement system in PE classes, and the use of heart rate monitors outside of PE. The results showed that all parental participants completing the survey believed PE to be an important class for their child. However, 64% stated that they received no or little feedback regarding their child’s progress in their PE classes. During the interview, 63% of the student participants viewed motivation to be more internal. When asked if they were more concerned with their own heart rate or another student’s heart rate, 69% determined that they were solely concerned with their own heart rate. Findings revealed that the use of a heart rate measurement system had an overall positive impact on students’ view of physical activity. Students believed it would be beneficial to perform more activities with a heart rate measurement system, and parents viewed PE positively, but would like to receive more feedback and information about the activities being performed.

Keywords: physical activity, heart rate monitors, elementary, motivation, parent satisfaction

Category: Elementary P.E.

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Read 2102 times Last modified on Saturday, 16 February 2019 09:16
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