Mike Kniffin, John Foley, Lynn Couturier MacDonald and Kath Howarth
The State University of New York - Cortland
Only a handful of research studies have been conducted to determine whether or not physical educators or pre-service physical education teachers are utilizing learning standards in their teaching. While pre-service teachers are typically required to align lesson objectives and content, their extent of their understanding of how learning standards are implemented in actual teaching is unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine if undergraduate physical education majors could identify instances and non-instances of physical education teachers incorporating learning standards in their lessons. Pre-service teachers viewed a series of secondary physical education teaching episodes captured on digital video recordings. The inter-agreement (IOA) scores for 101 physical education majors ranged from 65%-82% for the four New York State Learning Standards and from 51%-98% for the six National Association of Sport and Physical Education Standards. The researchers found that participants had the most difficulty identifying New York State Learning Standard 2 and National Association of Sport and Physical Education Learning Standard 5, with IOA scores of 65% and 51% respectively. Both of these standards involve personal and social responsibility and fall within the affective domain.